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More Parents Stuff

11:25 p.m.=|||=2003-09-23

Tuesday and time to update.. Into the second week of my parents visit � I�m glad that I�m getting used to having them around � although I still prefer the house to myself! Things keep on going wrong � like I replaced all the leaky tap washers in the bathroom, yet I still seem to be the only person who is capable of turning the taps off. One needs replacement again, as a combination of my ex and my parents managed to not only strip the splines off the handle, but also screw up the thread so that it will not shut off properly � and all because they insisted on forcing it shut real hard, instead of shutting it off gently which was the best way to get it off and not dripping.

Then there is the phone � no one else seems able to put the phone in it�s cradle properly, so the batteries run down all the time . Did this with my FIL as well � I think it is getting put down without pressing the button to turn it off�so hope they have not been running up someone else�s phone bill! Sad thing is this upset the girl�s other grandma, as she could not get through on their birthday, as my Dad had effectively left the phone off the hook all day. Ex�s solution? Buy a new phone. Nahh � just need to educate people to use this one properly!

Interesting small child comments on Grandparents:

�Grandpa is awake Daddy, I heard him fart!�

�Daddy, you know grandma? She wears clothes for TWO DAYS!!�

�Don�t ruckle the carpet Grandma � Daddy tells us off when we do that!�

�Grandpa is in the bathroom and he�ll be AGES�

They learn quick, my kids.

My mum had a good birthday yesterday, I got her a lovely box to keep photographs in, and the girls did her a special card. I even managed to bake her a cake without her noticing. The girls were disappointed that we did not have a full-blown Party, with balloons, hats, games etc.. Trying to explain to them that playing musical chairs with a Grandma that takes about 5 minutes to get up at the best of times is not the greatest idea in the world!

And, on top of all this, I�m spending a lot of time talking to my friend b from the track still. It will be an interesting day on Sunday � I get to see her for real for the first time in a couple of weeks, and I�m wondering what will happen. To tell the truth, I�m getting kind of nervous � which is silly as I�ve been hanging out with her all summer, but, well, I think there are more cards on the table now than there were then (or else I had just not spotted them earlier!!). If next summer pans out the way we are planning it at the moment, then I�m gonna have FUN!! I�ll let you all know what happens, honest. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

I�m still stunned at how this has all crept up on me from behind when I was not looking � but isn�t that always the way. I�m also scared as hell, but kind of excited at the same time.

Of course, the ex comes back next week, and so I have to get her in work and out of the house as soon as I can, while still being nice about it. I�m just hoping she does not come back with a whole host of other ideas. I�ll find out next Wednesday.

But I am sure that there is going to be no us getting back together. Us still being friends is fine, but as an item � I don�t think so. I just can�t do it. And I�m happy that this 2 weeks has made me realize this. As I said before, I hope she does not have other ideas!!!.

OK, back to planning next summer, and hoping B will turn up soon to chat.

Till later,


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