Welcome to Jump's World!

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2003-04-30 - More on my new hobby
2003-04-27 - I'm here...
2003-04-25 - Rush Rush Rush
2003-04-24 - Freakin' SARS
2003-04-23 - A Blaahhhhhhh Day
2003-04-22 - Endings?
2003-04-21 - Into Game 7....
2003-04-20 - Easter Sunday
2003-04-20 - The Good and the Bad
2003-04-19 - Deja Vu
2003-04-19 - Good Friday
2003-04-14 - Not a Lot
2003-04-13 - Ahhhhh,, Sunday night...
2003-04-13 - Sunday Morning
2003-04-13 - Good weekend???
2003-04-10 - Deep Thoughts
2003-04-10 - Not quite to plan but interesting....
2003-04-08 - Oooopsy, getting lax
2003-04-07 - I hate time changes
2003-04-05 - A Day of nothing
2003-04-03 - Deaf
2003-04-02 - Lunch lunch lunch
2003-04-01 - Tired

Older Entries
October 2002
November 2002
December 2002
January 2003
February 2003
March 2003
April 2003
May 2003
June 2003
July 2003
August 2003

Design By Aimee