Welcome to Jump's World!

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2003-07-31 - Busy doing nothing
2003-07-30 - Gas and SARS
2003-07-30 - Alcohol Dreams
2003-07-29 - Sick Piano
2003-07-28 - First day of vacation.
2003-07-27 - Ahhh, weekend
2003-07-25 - And she changes it again
2003-07-25 - just a normal week...
2003-07-22 - Worst Dad in the world
2003-07-21 - What I Did this weekend
2003-07-16 - House, Ex and Masturbation!!
2003-07-15 - Tuesday's real entry
2003-07-15 - Late Monday Mission
2003-07-13 - Weeeeeeeekend's over...
2003-07-11 - Unplanned Whine
2003-07-10 - ZzzzZzzzzZzzzzzz
2003-07-09 - Sleeeeeepy Wednesday
2003-07-09 - **SOB*** Britney's a Tramp...
2003-07-07 - I WAS ON TV!!
2003-07-06 - Village Idiots
2003-07-06 - Me!
2003-07-05 - Race, race, race
2003-07-05 - My Wish...
2003-07-05 - Friday ramblings, after 3 beers...
2003-07-01 - Fireworks and killer socks
2003-07-01 - Happy Canada Day

Older Entries
October 2002
November 2002
December 2002
January 2003
February 2003
March 2003
April 2003
May 2003
June 2003
July 2003
August 2003

Design By Aimee