Welcome to Jump's World!

Leave Me A Note!My ProfileE-Mail Me!Thanks DiaryLand!

2002-11-29 - OK - Where did THIS come from?
2002-11-29 - 1000 WHOOO HOOO
2002-11-28 - Stupid People
2002-11-27 - A short rant
2002-11-27 - I HATE CARS
2002-11-26 - Tuesday
2002-11-25 - My Latest Confusion
2002-11-24 - Hmmmm
2002-11-24 - Am I productive or what???
2002-11-23 - Dazed and Confused
2002-11-22 - FUCK
2002-11-22 - Frustration
2002-11-21 - Bit Better
2002-11-21 - Upset
2002-11-20 - My Babies!!
2002-11-20 - Wednesday again
2002-11-19 - Morning Quickie
2002-11-18 - Back to work Monday
2002-11-17 - Ahhh Sunday
2002-11-17 - WOW -- What a day!!
2002-11-15 - Odd Friday
2002-11-15 - Friday, and back to lunchtimes...
2002-11-14 - Ah HA!!
2002-11-13 - Interesting
2002-11-13 - too(th)sday
2002-11-12 - Ahhhhh that's better.....
2002-11-11 - Sore...
2002-11-10 - Soccer Sunday
2002-11-10 - My Style...
2002-11-09 - Weekend Alone
2002-11-08 - Friday Financials
2002-11-07 - My thoughts for Thursday
2002-11-06 - Calmer....a bit
2002-11-05 - Stress
2002-11-05 - Procrastination
2002-11-04 - Big Rant and more kids stuff...
2002-11-04 - Wonder What I'm going to say today...
2002-11-04 - Well, this was my result......
2002-11-02 - Grocery Shopping
2002-11-02 - Ahhhh Sleep -- Bliss
2002-11-01 - Halloween Recap and a ramble..

Older Entries
October 2002
November 2002
December 2002
January 2003
February 2003
March 2003
April 2003
May 2003
June 2003
July 2003
August 2003

Design By Aimee