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A decision. (Only 1)

12:38 p.m.=|||=2003-09-11

Making progress slowly�

Talking with ex last night, and she is still unsure about a lot of stuff, but one thing she is sure of is that she is not moving back with FNG. Seems like he �is not ready for a long-term relationship� i.e. he wants to sleep around, and got bored with her. She thinks they�ll still hang out, do friend�s stuff, but I doubt that.

Everything else depends on her getting a job � she cannot afford to find a place of her own right now, so I�m kind of stuck with her. And as time goes on, I get more and more used to her being around. It is really nice to have someone to help with the kids, and an adult to talk to in the evenings.

She does not know if she wants us to try again. I do not know if I want us to try again. All still rather day to day.

But on Sunday she is going to the UK for 2 weeks, to get a big dose of Mummy, and we�ll see what she wants when she gets back. Maybe I�ll have been able to think things out more.

Thanks to all of you for your thoughts, notes and emails. I wish this was easier, but all of your comments help, they really do.

Have to go shopping for B�day pressies tonight, for the girls. They are 7 on Sunday. 7 � my babies. Arrrghhh!!

Have been up late the past few days chatting with my friend B from the track. Not mentioned her before � I think it�s a buddies thing, but we do talk a lot. And she�s married�but not sure how married. Time will tell�.. I wonder sometimes tho. It�s nice to have new friends.

Back to work now..

Oh ya � had a meeting with Boss yesterday.. he stated that I am not working to my full potential, and what could we do about it. Short story is I�m feeling tired and Jaded, and basically bored with the job I have been doing for 8 � years now. We need to come up with a plan to attack this � I agree with it, but I have no idea how to change it. Everything is just so routine, and not a challenge any more. I just find it hard to get motivated.

Till later,


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