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OK, time to come clean

10:15 p.m.=|||=2003-09-27

Saturday night � Today I dropped my parents off at the Airport, which was both happy and sad at the same time. No matter what I said during the past 2 weeks, it was lovely to see them again. But on the other hand, it is nice to have my house back as my own! I know it will take a few days to get it back in order, but no one is here to make it worse again!

The other reason I�m feeling good, is tomorrow morning I get to get up early and go to the track, for the last Race day of the season, and I get to see my friend B again.

I guess it is time to admit that there is something going on between us � put it this way, we have spend the last 2 weeks almost constantly on MSN together, and the amount of email sending between our respective workplaces has ballooned recently. I�ll find out for sure tomorrow when I see her for real, but there are enough signs there that even I can see them!

So, time to tell you what happened�well, nothing really � she works at the track, and I met her the first time I was up there. So as the summer went on, we chatted occasionally, and just generally socialized, just like everyone else.

Then I noticed that we ended up in the same place more often than not � and it started to seem more than a coincidence.. Now I didn�t mind, as she has a 15 year old daughter, who I was wanting to line up as a baby-sitter for my 2 girls when I took them to the track.

So, things went on, we spent several nights sitting next to camp fires chatting, we went over to see the racing at the oval on Sat night together, with her daughter as well. I took my girls one weekend, and they got on really well with her and her daughter.. I still did not think anything in particular.

Well, to be honest, things did cross my mind, but there was one thing that stopped me thinking them, and that is the fact she is married. On her second marriage. I never really clicked to the fact that hubby never showed up.

Then I started to hear things, odd little hints, and basically found out that she�s not going to be married for long! Hmm, so Rich starts to think a little�.

The last time I was there, I was only up for a day . I really was only there because she persuaded me to � and I managed to work it out. Now when I went I had not realized what was going on�by the end of the day�well� After working with her all day, I noticed she made sure I had supper with her. Now we all have supper together, but she kind of came looking for me. And then, as I was heading home, she came down to the car with me, and we kept chatting, and chatting� Then her daughter turned up, and man, did she give her a pissy look! So I had to set off, gave her a big hug, and off I went.

Then we started to talk more and more on MSN, and comments and compliments kept coming� and so I think we are about � a step away from being an item. And I guess that is where tomorrow comes in� that last � step.

Not that it is a very big step � we already have half the winter worked out, and almost all of next summer (see us at a racetrack near you!) and are working on the summer after that (European tour)

So, it might just be a good friends thing, but I�m sure it is more than that.

Which makes me nervous as hell. This is odd � I was not looking for this, and it kind of snuck up on me. But I guess that is why it happened, as she was watching me being myself�which is what everyone told me, but I did not believe them. I�m scared I�ve read it all wrong, I�m scared of everything�But I�m excited, and am going to give it my best shot.

Yep � in case you didn�t work it out she is older than me � something I didn�t think would happen. About 5 years, so it�s not hugely older than me.. after all at our age everyone is the same age anyways. But she has 2 daughters, one 19 & one 15, so I guess she�s done the kid thing, which is fine by me. It also puts me in the strange situation of being nervous about what her daughters will think of me, rather being nervous about what her mother thinks of me!!

Wish me luck � I�ll know more at 7am!

So I�m sitting here, listening to happy Frank Sinatra music, and drinking Black Sheep Yorkshire Ale, which I found in the liquor store for the first time today. Mmmmmmmm I had forgotten how nice real British Ale tastes.

Off to bed soon, early start in the morning (5am)

Till later,


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