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It's now September

11:43 p.m.=|||=2003-09-02

Tuesday night after the long weekend, and I have a cold. I�ve been nursing a sore throat for a week or so now, but today it went up to my head and made me feel blah. But I feel OK now, cos I am into the bottle of Brandy that ex FIL bought me. So apologies for the following entry, but forces other than my own are at work�

Weekend at the track was good. Was nice to get there, and get some sense of normalcy back again. IF standing around on a street corner watching cars race can be deemed normal�� And when I got home, my unwelcome visitors had left, so things are a lot more peaceful around here.

Ex is still here, and still trying to work out what she wants. She has worked out that she wants to spend more time around here with the girls, which is fine by me. Now she is looking for work, but she also is thinking of going to see her mum in the UK for a couple of weeks � and that will just get in the way of the job thing. And she cannot move into her own place until she has a job�..

In some ways it is nice to have her around, and have some help with the girls. In other ways � well, tonight was good cos she went out, and I was left to get the girls to bed, and then after that I could crank the Stereo and get online (and drink brandy) and do the stuff that I like to do.

It has been quite a while since I have been in the house on my own for an evening!!

�And if the Devil would take her, I�d thank him for his pain,

I�d swear to God I�ll hang myself if I get married again.�

Great Big Sea, �Scolding Wife�

Prophetic words on my CD�be warned boy!!

At least now, the girls are back in school, and I can get a bit of a routine going again. I hope�..

Today was not good. Well, things started to go downhill yesterday. I decided to check the rear brakes on my car�they are getting to their limit, but have a ways to go yet. Bad news was taking the wheel off exposed the rear struts, and I could see the nasty oil seeping out of the right rear strut. So that will be $150 if I do that myself (a job I don�t really want to do, as springs are nasty things to play with) or $350 if I get the shop to do it. The brakes will be another $25/$75 depending on who does it (I may do them, I can do brakes) and I had already decided to get the timing belt done on Thursday. That, plus the water pump that the shop recommends as a preventative thing, will be about $600 I think. Then, I should put new tires on before the winter..

And I was happy that the car would become cheaper this month, as this month I make the last payment!! Looks like the $300/mth will be eaten up for a few more months yet!

Also, I went to put my contact lenses in this morning, and the right one has got torn in half! I cannot remember having done it � but it is there, in 2 pieces. And I�ve only had them 1 week. Luckily the optometrists say it is under warranty, but being one custom made for my eyes, it will take 1 to 2 weeks for a replacement to come in.

So I am back to my old glasses, and some of the headache I have is due to that transition, just as I was getting used to the lenses.

Life sucks sometimes eh??

Well, good news� I get paid on Thursday.

And next weekend I get to play with BMW�s all weekend at the track, and I take my girls as well.

OK, that�s it, more tomorrow (hopefully)

Till later,


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