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Potato Bags

8:13 p.m.=|||=2003-01-12

OK -- I admit it. I cannot fight my way into a Paper Bag. At least, the ones that Potatoes come in...

Now I rememeber, back when I was a child (age wise -- not the way I act, which is now..) my mum would be able to get a bag of potatoes, with one of those thin-string closures at the top..And she would, with a swift flick of her wrist, pull the string in such a way that the whole thing would unravel, and lo - access to your root vegetables.

Me -- I cut, fight, pull, swear, cut my fingers, then finally just rip the paper open, and bypass the whole damn thing!

Tonight, I tried different attacks at different ends..and still ended up with a big tear-job..The onyl thing I can get to work is to carefully cut each little loop of string...of I have the time.

Can anyone help me please??

till later,


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